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Our Plans Page

Our Plans

Preferred Care Partners offers Medicare Advantage Plans with prescription drug coverage to persons eligible for Medicare in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.

Our plans cover all services offered by Medicare, plus many additional benefits Medicare does not provide, including prescription drug coverage, vision, dental, transportation, over-the-counter, and a fitness program.

Coverage options may vary depending upon your location. To learn more about a plan in your service area, select one of the links below.

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    CMS Ratings

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    Medicare Help

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Welcome, New Members

Questions? Call Preferred Care Partners

1 - 866-231-7201, TTY 711 (Medicare Plans)

1 - 866-480-1086, TTY 711 (Medicare/Medicaid Plans)

Preferred Care Partners welcomes new members. We want you to make the most out of your plan so click below to learn more about what is available.

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