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If you are not currently enrolled in a plan
You can enroll by phone, by mail or fax. Simply choose the way that is easiest for you and follow the directions below.
Request a call from a licensed agent
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP)
Welcome, New Members
Questions? Call Preferred Care Partners
1 - 866-231-7201, TTY 711 (Medicare Plans)
1 - 866-480-1086, TTY 711 (Medicare/Medicaid Plans)
Preferred Care Partners welcomes new members. We want you to make the most out of your plan so click below to learn more about what is available.
Contact Us