If you get extra help from Medicare to help pay for your Medicare prescription drug plan costs, your monthly plan premium will be lower than what it would be if you did not get extra help from Medicare. The amount of extra help you get will determine your total monthly plan premium as a member of our Plan.

Extra Help from Medicare 2025
To inquire on your LIS status or level call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778 or visit their website at www.ssa.gov
Call us today to see if you qualify for Extra Help
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0001 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-0002 (HMO)
UHC Preferred Medicare Advantage FL-002P (HMO)
UHC Preferred Complete Care FL-0003 (HMO C-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D001 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-D01P (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V1 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y2 (HMO-POS D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-V2 (HMO D-SNP)
UHC Preferred Dual Complete FL-Y3 (HMO-POS D-SNP)